Tag Archives: Colorado Springs

Who stole the Sun? (Colorado Springs, CO)

I spent Tuesday morning at the house waiting for the appraiser to arrive.  I finally got tired of waiting and left at 1 PM.  I found out later the appraiser used the electronic lockbox at 1:18 PM to get in the house…  oh well, I’m sure it went well.  I’m told we should get the report in a couple days, so we just have to wait again.  Everything else is still on track though, we should close on the 1st of June 🙂

Here’s a (very wet) front-view of the house…


And the (very wet) front yard.  the mountains are hidden in the low-hanging wet clouds.


View from the back deck overlooking (very wet) downtown Colorado Springs.


Are you seeing the theme here?  It’s been a gloomy and very wet April so far.  I don’t think we’ve seen the sun for more than a few minutes the last several days.


Here’s a couple pics of nearby Fountain creek, which is definitely getting close to overflowing.   Hope this weather gets better soon.



I stopped by my old high school buddies shop, Chuck’s Auto, located on the west-side of Colorado Springs, just off 21st St.  I you ever need quality work done on your car… this is the place.


I often hang out here when my buddy Mike (the owner) isn’t too busy.  Unfortunately for me, he’s always busy… which is good for him (business-wise) anyway.

High school buddy, Mike… Hard at work.

On Wednesday, we hung out at the Coach and waited for long-time friends and blog-readers; Daniel and Monika Malmquist to arrive.  We had made arrangements earlier in the week to go out for dinner together.  We ended up at a local bar/restaurant for a decent meal and good conversation.  Of course the girls chattered together in German while Dan and I got caught up.

Friends; Danny & Monika Malmquist.

Afterwards, we went back to the Elks Lodge and continued chatting in the downstairs bar.  It was good to catch up with them – see you again soon Danny and Monika!

Then I drove Stilla over to our youngest daughters’ house for the night.  She’s going to dog-sit for a couple days while they go out of town.  Meanwhile, I will play the bachelor until Friday, which really means; I can watch whatever I want on TV 🙂

Stay tuned…

Back to Reality and More Rain (Colorado Springs, CO)

On Sunday morning we joined my Dad and stepmom Elaine at a church service in the Morgan County Fairgrounds main building with the other FCRV members.

Afterwards, a small group of us carpooled into town for a hearty breakfast.  Then it was time to pack up and head out since our fun-time here has come to an end 🙁  We were supposed to be out of the fairgrounds before noon.

My Dad was hooking up his Jeep to tow as I pulled up beside him.  We planned to convoy back to Colorado Springs together.


He hooked up his (new to him) Blue Ox™ towbar that he got a good deal on thru Craigslist.


And then he hooked up his RVi™ supplemental braking system.  I have an older Brake Buddy™ version, this one is pretty nice, but I’d still like to get one of those Roadmaster InvisiBrake™ systems that I’ve seen at recent rallies.  Maybe one of these days…


For those that are interested; here’s my Blue OX™ Aventa LX (10,000 lb) towbar hiding underneath the Roadmaster mesh tow defender that I purchased and had installed while at the FMCA Rally in Pomona. (Link HERE).  I think the tow defender is doing its job protecting the front of the Silverado, but only time will tell…


My Dad followed us from the fairgrounds until we stopped for fuel at the Flying J in Limon.  He was running low and needed to fill up.  We had already filled up here on the way to the rally, but I used the opportunity to fit another 25 gallons into the 115 gallon tank.  It’s always best to keep the tank as full as possible to head off condensation issues in the fuel tank.  We know that we’ll have to spend at least another few weeks parked while we (hopefully) close on the house.

We switched it up and my Dad took over the lead after our fuel stop.  We followed along behind until we got to Colorado Springs.


Pikes Peak grew larger and larger as we ticked down the miles and got closer to the Springs.



And here’s another pic of the Urban Escape Vehicle that my stepmom sent me on her phone after we took over the lead again once we were in town.  Yup… it’s starting to rain again 🙁


We stayed in touch with walkie-talkies while we were on our mini-convoy; we said our farewells once we got back on I-25 and I exited on Nevada Avenue.  We made it back to the Elks Lodge in Colorado Springs and were able to dump our tanks just before it started to rain hard.  We then relaxed for the evening and hid out from the infrequent rain.

On Monday, I spent time at the house working off some of the minor deficiencies as a result of the home inspection that the potential buyer had conducted last Friday.  We received an Inspection Objection Notice with a list of items that the buyer would either like to have fixed or he would like to receive compensation for.  After working off some of the items on the list, i.e., sticking door, loose door knob, caulking and insulation on central A/C lines, etc., I consulted with my realtor and we reached a decision to give the buyer some smaller $ amount in concessions.  We’re pretty sure it was the buyer’s intent all along to nit-pick on the inspection so he could get help with his closing costs.  So, we submitted a response to that effect, got positive feedback from the buyers realtor, and therefore hope to be closing on or about the 1st of June 🙂

This morning (Tuesday), we are expecting an appraiser to be at the house.   So I intend to brave the constant rain (it rained all night too) and go over to the house to answer any questions or do whatever might help things along… The appraisal is the last hurdle to get through on this home selling (mis)adventure.  Wish us luck…


Hiding from the Hail (Colorado Springs, CO)

We’ve been hunkered down at the Elks Lodge in Colorado Springs hiding from the rain and hail over the last several days.  Looks like we came back to Colorado a little too early 😐 Luckily, any hail we got at the Coach was only pea-sized, – no damage so far;  ‘knock-on-wood’.  There have been reports of damaging hail and some flooding in outlying areas… I hope our luck continues to hold out and springtime gets here soon.

Pikes Peak in the background over the Urban Escape Vehicle.

We haven’t even been able to do much at the house due to the crummy weather.  Everything I need (or want) to do, requires good weather, i.e., pull dandelions/weeds; spray weed & grass killer on the landscape rocks; spread grass seed on bare spots, etc.,

At least Stilla has had plenty of opportunity to hang out with our daughters and grandson.  The grandson even got to sleep-over which is always a treat for him until he gets bored and realizes that we don’ t have an X-Box 360 or Playstation 🙂

News on the home-selling front; We got an offer!  However, the potential buyer has to sell his present house which (I’m told) isn’t scheduled to  close until mid-June.  As a matter-of-fact,  we countered his offer but haven’t got a formal response yet… apparently the potential buyer wants to get through an inspection on his present house first.  Meanwhile, the potential buyer has scheduled an inspection on our house for this Friday, which (I assume) is a good sign that he’s serious.  While waiting; we continue to have showings; four more this past weekend.  All we can do is wait and see…

In other news: We plan on joining my Dad and Stepmom this coming weekend for “Spring-Fling” with the Family Campers & RV’ers (FCRV) in Brush, CO.  This is supposed to be the “kickoff to summer”…  we’ll see if the summer really “kicks off” 🙂  I’ll keep you posted.

Also – a ‘shout-out’ to Daniel Malmquist who stopped by for a quick visit recently.  Daniel is a long-time reader of the blog and friend.  Stop by anytime Danny…

Stay tuned for more mis-adventure…


Rain, Rain, Go Away (Colorado Springs, CO)

I know my readers will be disappointed; but sorry, no pictures today 😐

We’re still parked at the Colorado Springs Elks Lodge.  We paid for a month-long stay here so we can; 1) Work on curb appeal at the house to help it sell, 2) visit with family, and 3) maybe save a little money until the house sells.

We spent the first couple days after arriving last Wednesday evening catching up with friends and family, which is always nice.  This weekend was spent over at the house pulling weeds and mowing the lawn.  Many thanks to my Dad and Stepmom Elaine, who sacrificed their Saturday helping out… ♥

We had a couple of showings at the house while we were working on the yard; one couple had nothing but good things to say, but are looking for more rooms on a single level and since two of our bedrooms are on the walkout basement level, I don’t expect an offer.  However, at the risk of jinxing myself; another guy came by without his realtor, so I gave him a personal tour.  I heard from my realtor  last night, who told me he was contacted by that guy’s realtor, and apparently an offer is forthcoming!  Sure hope it’s a reasonable offer… I’ll keep you posted.

The last couple days have been pretty wet.  Good thing I got the mowing done before this latest storm cell dropped in.  It rained all night and more is expected throughout today.  The burn scars in our area (Waldo Canyon and Black Forest) are especially prone to flooding and are under a flood watch right now.

When the weather clears, I hope to get some ‘Weed-b-Gone’ on the lawn, and some ‘Grass & Weed’ killer on the rock areas.  Otherwise, I don’t know what else I can do to help the house look any more desirable without  spending big bucks on things like; granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, or “real” hardwood flooring, etc.,

So, I’m sorry – but there’s only boring stuff going on right now with the Urban Escape Vehicle blog… hopefully the house will sell and things will pick up soon… stay tuned 🙂

Street Nails & Road Chips (Elks Lodge 309 – Colorado Springs, CO)

It was a loonngg travel day today (Wednesday) and it didn’t get off to a good start…

I don’t know what it is about the truck tires; they must have nail magnets inside 🙁  I did my morning PMCS, (that’s Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services), for you non-military types, and found the right rear tire pressure at 28 psi.  The tire pressure should be at 35-40 psi.

When we arrived yesterday evening at the Roswell Elks Lodge, we were able to pull right into a site without disconnecting the truck.  So this morning; after we pressed buttons to raise the jacks and pull-in the slides; we just towed it over to the local Discount Tire in Roswell, NM.



The technician pulled off the tire and immediately identified a nail stuck through the tread.  This is the third time we’ve picked up a nail!  Luckily, they didn’t charge us for the repair.  Discount Tires will continue to have our business 🙂

After the ~hour long delay to get the tire fixed; we continued north on the shortest route towards Colorado Springs.  We have 439 miles to travel today!  Stilla is anxious to get back to see our daughters and grandson, plus we need to do something to help get the house sold.  The house has been on the market now for over 90 days, and now that the weather is getting nicer, we are finally starting to see more showings.  So, we probably need to work on the lawn; maybe fill the hot tub; de-winterize the sprinkler system, etc.,

Here’s some pics of the seemingly endless highway…








Once we got on I-25, Stilla took over the drivers seat for a while.



Yah… this is the life, I should let her drive more often 🙂


Of course as soon as she took over, we had to go through a long construction zone.  She hates this… and it always seems to happen when she drives, which isn’t too often, but she did just fine.  No cones were killed in the making of this blog post 🙂


Little Coach didn’t even seem to mind Mom’s driving too much.


We stopped for fuel at Russell’s Truck Stop near Springer, NM.  I always like stopping here because they have classic cars on display.  They switch them out every so often so there’s always something new.








I took back over the driving duties and little Coach took his usual spot on Mommy’s lap again.



We started to see some snow as we got close to Raton Pass.


It looked like the winter weather has been doing a number on the highway…  we had to dodge quite a few potholes and notice the fallen rocks:


Yup… that’s snow on the side of the highway… haven’t seen that in a few months 😐


Leaving New Mexico sign…


and the Welcome to Colorado sign.



Then we got another “Welcome to Colorado” in the form of a rock hitting the windshield!  A little red pickup sans mud flaps passed us shortly after crossing into Colorado, and “Wham” we have  something new to fix now…

New rock chip in the lower left side of the passenger windshield.

We pressed on.


Nice rearview mirror pic.  There’s snow in ‘them-there’ mountains.


And we finally rolled into Colorado Springs just as the sun was going down over Pikes Peak.  Whew… 440 miles today!




I had called ahead to reserve a spot at the Colorado Springs Elks Lodge #309.  We were able to get one of the more desirable spots along the inner fence-line facing the pool.  The Elks 309 website says the following about their RV Parking: “13 Hook-ups on a black top surface. Electric (30 & 20 A) available to all. Water available during non-freezing weather. Water faucet always available at the lodge building. Dump station on site. $15 per night ($5-dry camping) No reservations, first come first serve. Plenty of dry camping area.”


Our spot has 30-Amp electric, water, and a small diameter (PVC) sewer line that runs above ground.  We’ll have to use a macerator to use the sewer, unless we drive over to the on-site dump station.  For those that may not know; a macerator chops up the waste and reduces it to allow flow through a standard-size garden hose.


View of Pikes Peak this morning over the Coach.


And here’s another picture of the windshield rock chip.  I put one of those round protective stickers on it that we got from RV Glass Solutions when we had new windshields put in a couple years ago while at the FMCA Rally in Gillette WY.  I suppose we’ll try to live with it for now as long as it doesn’t get any bigger or start to crack.


Here’s our view of the pool area out the front window, it’s still covered of course… we’re not in Arizona anymore 😐


So, we’re baack!  We’ll find the camp-host this morning (Thursday) and pay for a month in advance, which I hope is still a reasonable $350.

We’ve put over 4000 new miles on the Urban Escape Vehicle since we left in January.  We put the house on the market (January 10th) and departed Colorado for the SouthWest.

Some of you that read this blog may recall that we last came back here in October 2014 after our ~6000 mile tour of the Pacific NorthWest.  Click HERE for my blog post from the 1st of October 2014.  We came back then for two reasons: 1) Our son William was coming to visit from Germany, and 2) Our renters had stopped making payments.  So we spent the first couple weeks enjoying time with our son and the next couple/few months dealing with the renters and working on the house to get it on the market.  Hopefully we can get it sold here soon.

Regardless of the house situation – we look forward to catching up with family and friends while we’re here.  It’ll be nice to see the kids, grandson, my Dad/Stepmom, etc.,

Stay tuned…

Moochdocking (Prescott Valley, AZ)

It’s wet, cold, and raining in Prescott Valley this morning (Monday), so we’re just hunkering down…  we got here on Friday and I’ve used the last couple days to play catch-up on the blog since we didn’t have connectivity during our week-long stay at Alamo Lake State Park.  Now let me bring you up to date on our time here so far…

As I said in my previous post from 28 February: “We are now in Prescott Valley at the home of Scott and Julie Richardson. Julie is a friend and former co-worker from my days at the Missile Defense Agency (MDA). We were both in the MDA Contracting Directorate together at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado Springs. Julie retired at about the same time that I resigned from my position back in May of 2014 and moved here to their lovely retirement home in Prescott Valley, AZ. We drove straight here from the lake (about 150 miles) when we learned that they were home and also willing to put up with us for a day or so.

Scott and Julie Richardson inside their retirement ranch.

It’s great to see Julie again… we haven’t seen her since May of last year at her retirement party in Colorado Springs.  After we arrived on Friday afternoon, we got caught up on recent events and old times a little bit and shared what little knowledge we had about mutual acquaintances’.  We also got the “grand tour” of Scott and Julie’s beautiful home, aka., “Richardson Retirement Ranch” or (3R).


We parked the Urban Escape Vehicle in front of the 3rd garage so we wouldn’t block the driveway.  Then we ran an extension cord to the garage outlet so we wouldn’t have to run our generator to charge the batteries.. the residential-type refrigerator sure sucks them down.  Thanks for the juice Scott and Julie!  And also the moochdocking, – er, I mean boondocking spot!



On Saturday, we took a little driving tour to catch some of the sights in the area.  Julie acted as our tour-guide and we all piled into her car.  We went north on AZ-89A aka the “Prescott Jerome Hwy” towards Sedona.  We hadn’t gone very far up the winding pass before we spotted snow on the higher mountain tops around us.  Ugh… thought we’d left that behind in Colorado.


We stopped to enjoy the view at a pull-out.  It was windy but not raining yet.


When we got to Jerome, AZ, we decided to park and walk around a bit… what a neat town nestled on the hillside.

Here’s a pic I swiped from Google Images:


And here’s some actual pics we took while wandering around a bit.





Anyone recognize the lamp in the window?


We heard that the hotel in the pic below is supposed to be haunted.


We drove on down the pass and finally rolled into the picturesque town of Sedona.  (don’t forget to click on the link for more info).



As you can see below, the rain picked up once we arrived in Sedona.


The rain didn’t stop us from shopping for some t-shirts though…


We passed by Pink Jeep Tours, who has quite a large fleet… and the crummy weather didn’t appear to be stopping tourists from lining up to take tours in the rain.


How about a couple more pics of the area:



Our downtown area walk was cut short with a brief downpour that made us dash for the car, so we headed on over to the Golden Goose Cafe & Bistro for a late lunch / early dinner.  Scott and Julie treated… thanks again guys, you didn’t have to do that.

After our fine dining experience, we drove over to the nearby Chapel of the Holy Cross.  Don’t forget to click the previous “green” link to go to the official church website, or here for more pictures from Google.



We were able to park in the upper lot and made the short walk to the semi-circular walkway up to the chapel.


Stilla, Julie, and Scott on the walkway up to the church.



The views from inside the church windows looking out – were awesome.


And here’s some views from the landing in front of the church entrance.






After visiting the picturesque church, we continued south on (also) picturesque route 179 until we got on I-17 which we took to the 169 exit, and then back to the house, effectively completing our loop for the day.


On Sunday, we stayed close to the area.  Our highlight for the day was a trip to the local IN-N-OUT Burger.  Yummm.  This time Scott and Julie allowed us to treat.  Julie acted as our chauffeur once again.  Thanks Julie!!


Then we drove through the Bob Stump VA Medical Center… reminded me of an old Army base stuck in the ’50s.  Check out the officer’s housing area:





Unfortunately, the museum here was closed.


In downtown Prescott, we stopped briefly in the rain for a picture of the courthouse.  The crummy weather prevented us from wanting to wander around.



Then, on the way back home, we stopped at the Phippen Museum for a little “Art and Heritage of the American West”.




However, only a small portion of the museum was currently open for viewing due to new exhibits being put into place.  So we opted to save our $7 per person entrance fee for another time and just browsed the gift shop.




Then we headed back to the house to relax again and hide out from the rain.

And that brings us to the present… here it is Monday (my new favorite day of the week since retirement) and it’s still raining outside.  It rained all night, and it’s even been snowing a little bit this morning.  At least it’s not sticking.

So we plan on just staying inside to wait out the weather.   There’s a lot of cool stuff to see around here, but none of it’s quite so fun to do in the rain and cold.

As a parting shot… Julie shared this picture of an eagle with me that she saw in the back yard just the other day.  We haven’t seen it since though… probably hiding from the cold weather like we are 🙂


We’re late, We’re late, for a very important date… (Casa Grande, AZ)

It took a lot of work… but we’re finally back on the road!  Goodbye ol’ house 😐


On Thursday, with the help of my Dad, (Thanks again Dad!) we finished up some last minute details on the house and then concentrated on loading the Harley into the pickup along with any last minute forgotten items.  Back at the Elks Lodge, Stilla had some of her German friends come by the Coach to say goodbye.


On Friday morning, (our travel day), I found myself up on a ladder trying to get as much ice off the roof as I could.  I had to use a hair-dryer and broom to get the chunks of ice off the slideout awnings so we could retract them.  I gave up trying to get the ice off the roof.  A lot of the snow had melted the previous day and turned into 1 – 2 inch thick ice that stubbornly refused to break up and fall off.




While I was working on the ice problem, good friend Danny surprised us by stopping by to say goodbye.  Bye Dan! We’ll keep in touch.

We finally decided it was best for Stilla to follow me (at a safe distance) in the truck.  I didn’t want any of the ice chunks falling off and going through the truck windshield.  So, down the road we went… with ice chunks slowly melting and falling onto the highway behind us… goodbye cold Colorado… we’ll see you again when it’s warmer.

It took 70 miles before enough ice had fallen off the roof of the Coach so we could hook up the truck up for towing.  We even stopped at the rest stop just before Pueblo, where I got out the ladder and tried to break up some of the ice, but it was still too thick.

Just as it was becoming dusk, we stopped at the casino/gas station after Santa Fe but before Albuquerque to get fuel and noticed that my running lights weren’t working on the truck.  The brake lights and turn signals were fine, but the driving lights wouldn’t come on.  I’ve had this problem before.  I think it has to do with the Vansco Multiplex system the Coach employs.  I’ll have to work on it once we get to Quartzsite.  Since we didn’t have tail lights on the truck, and I didn’t want to just hook up an emergency flasher light, (which I carry), we decided to spend the night at the casino.

They charge $20 for electrical hook-up at the casino but gave us each a $10 players card.  We enjoyed their buffet for $20 and spent another $20 playing the slots.  Fortunately, we won just a little at the slot machines so we pretty much broke even by spending the night there.

On Saturday morning we got rolling about an hour after the sun had come over the horizon.  We made it to Casa Grande just as it was getting dark again.  Whew!  Time to refresh ourselves for the night, catch up with brother Steve & Cheryl, Mom and Stepdad Jimmy.

This morning, (Sunday), I’ll download the Harley from the truck and upload the ATV which has been stored here at the farm.  Hopefully, we can make it to Quartzsite at a reasonable time this afternoon.  The party already started there and we’re late…  I’ve already heard from some of the Alpine Coach group that are there, hope they saved us a spot in the desert 🙂


There and Back Again (Colorado Springs, CO)

We made the final road trip to Casa Grande on Sunday with “stuff”… made it back to COS on Tuesday.

Cloud bank coming over mountains near Santa Fe NM

On Sunday: We, (Stilla, Little dog “Coach”, and I), left our house at 6 AM after hooking up the fully-loaded trailer and made it to Casa Grande by 9 PM.  After 15 hours of driving, we met my Mom, Stepdad (Jimmy), Brother Steve and his squeeze (Cheryl), for a late-night dinner at the Iron Skillet Restaurant just South of Casa Grande. The 900 mile trip down here took us 15 hours and we only got 9.2 miles per gallon with the heavy load.  Every time we pull the trailer, it’s like having an open parachute behind you.

After a good night’s sleep at the “dirt farm” in my Mom’s house, we spent Monday recuperating from the trip.  We also downloaded a few items from the trailer to the Conex.  Most items, we left in the trailer.  Then we gave the trailer a good washing with my brother’s pressure washer.  It also took a good amount of carwash soap, buckets and ladders to clean off all the road-grime and magnesium chloride.  That magnesium chloride is nasty stuff.  They put it on the roads for ice control and it’s hard to get off the under-components of your vehicle.  The stainless-steel wrap on the front of the trailer and fenders have spots all over that will have to be buffed out now to get rid of the effects of the stuff.  We parked and locked up the trailer in a safe spot on the farm.  (Thanks Steve, Cheryl, Mom & Jimmy)!

On Monday:  We got a 6 AM start back to Colorado Springs.  What a difference without the trailer (parachute) behind us… we made the 900 mile trip back to COS by 8 PM and we got a much more palatable 14.8 miles per gallon 🙂

On Tuesday:  We picked up my 90 day refill of meds from the Ft Carson hospital that I had requested the week prior and we stopped by Home Depot (again) for a couple last minute things to finish up the house that’s for sale.  I had to special order some 3-toggle light switch plates that they didn’t keep in stock… I needed them to match the others that we had already replaced.  I also finally finished up the carpet and trim pieces on the garage steps, which is yet another home project that I never got around to completing when we lived there.  Now, if the weather would just cooperate, I can finish staining the rear deck and painting the front porch.  These are the last items on our list to complete so we can head South.  Hopefully we can complete this quickly and hit the road with the Urban Escape Vehicle.  We’re late for the Alpine Coach Rally in Quartzsite.

Looking West from the driveway – For Sale sign in yard.
inner garage door steps (finally completed trim pieces and tacked down carpet)
front porch with partially completed concrete paint (using “Restore” product from Home Depot)

With any luck, my next post will be coming to you from the warm Arizona desert 🙂

BTW- If anyone else out there is selling a house, beware of scam artists on Craigslist.  We had someone use our pics and name to represent it as a rental… hoping to con someone into sending them a deposit.  My realtor found and fixed this on Craigslist but not before someone stopped by to look at the “rental”.  I guess these scumbags try to get people to come by and look at the house through the windows, and when contacted, the scumbag says he’s out of town, but if you send him a deposit to secure the rental – he’ll send them the rental contract and keys…  scumbags!

House for Sale (Colorado Springs, CO)

Yay!  We finally got the house on the market.  Link here to Zillow. Or here for the MLS.

1111 Hill Mesa Pic


It’s been a grueling couple months… Now we can just hope it sells quickly.

Regardless, it’s time to move the Urban Escape Vehicle to warmer climes.  We plan on being in Quartzsite by the 14th or 15th for the Alpine Coach “Desert Rat Rally”.

I still have to make one more trip with the trailer to Casa Grande AZ.  I already loaded it with the final garage stuff (tool boxes, wall lockers, etc.,) and will probably head down in a day or two.  I’ll leave the trailer there this time and come back to get the coach and the Harley… then we’ll be free again!!  Can’t wait.

We Can See the End (Colorado Springs, CO)

We are finally getting close to being able to put the house on the market.  The carpet is finally done, I guess the adage; “3rd time is a charm”, is true.  The original carpet guy finally just paid a competitor to order and install the carpet at his expense since we had already paid.  Here’s a view of the stairs in progress.


And, here’s a picture of the finished stairs for your viewing pleasure.


The downstairs “family room/game room” looks a little weird with the light brown color carpet (called Honeycomb 201).  It used to have a light blue/gray carpet that complemented the wall colors.  I hope a potential buyer doesn’t “dislike” it.

IMG_5422 IMG_5423 IMG_5421

This is the bar that we’re including with the house.  I just wasn’t going to remove that back piece off the wall because I anchored it with lag bolts to the studs and ran electrical outlets to it when I originally finished this room.  Removing it would just create too much additional work with drywall, paint and texture issues.


We had new carpet put in the Master Bedroom and walk-in closet along with the stairs and everywhere downstairs except for one of the bedrooms where we decided to leave our King Size Bedroom set.  We just didn’t want to move it again and figured it might add value and an additional incentive to buy the house for the new-owner(s).

This is the chandelier we put in the dining room.  The old one was just fine, but it was brass.  This was no easy chore due to the extremely high vaulted ceilings.  I even had to make another trip to Home Depot to get more black chain so it wasn’t hanging too high.  It doesn’t look too bad I guess.


The driveway concrete repair has been the most expensive task so far.  This is where I used to park the Urban Escape Vehicle and the concrete just wasn’t thick enough to handle the weight.  It had some pretty major cracks and had settled in places.  The concrete guys did all the tear out and re-pour in one day.

IMG_5429 IMG_5431 IMG_5437

We were finally able to paint the Den after I got the tenant’s stuff out.IMG_5446 IMG_5447

Here’s a view out the front Den window looking up the street.  We haven’t been able to easily look out this window for a while due to the “stuff” I had to move out from the former tenant’s.


We still have to clear the previous tenant’s stuff out of the Master Bath so we can give it a good cleaning and re-caulk where needed.

And there’s some wood-laminate flooring repairs I still need to make in the Great Room… sure glad I kept a couple boxes of the original floorboard.

We still need to finish re-staining the deck also, but that’s contingent on good weather, hopefully it warms up soon.

With any luck, we’ll finally have the house on the market at the beginning of the New Year.

I’ll try to keep you updated.  Stay tuned…