Who stole the Sun? (Colorado Springs, CO)

I spent Tuesday morning at the house waiting for the appraiser to arrive.  I finally got tired of waiting and left at 1 PM.  I found out later the appraiser used the electronic lockbox at 1:18 PM to get in the house…  oh well, I’m sure it went well.  I’m told we should get the report in a couple days, so we just have to wait again.  Everything else is still on track though, we should close on the 1st of June 🙂

Here’s a (very wet) front-view of the house…


And the (very wet) front yard.  the mountains are hidden in the low-hanging wet clouds.


View from the back deck overlooking (very wet) downtown Colorado Springs.


Are you seeing the theme here?  It’s been a gloomy and very wet April so far.  I don’t think we’ve seen the sun for more than a few minutes the last several days.


Here’s a couple pics of nearby Fountain creek, which is definitely getting close to overflowing.   Hope this weather gets better soon.



I stopped by my old high school buddies shop, Chuck’s Auto, located on the west-side of Colorado Springs, just off 21st St.  I you ever need quality work done on your car… this is the place.


I often hang out here when my buddy Mike (the owner) isn’t too busy.  Unfortunately for me, he’s always busy… which is good for him (business-wise) anyway.

High school buddy, Mike… Hard at work.

On Wednesday, we hung out at the Coach and waited for long-time friends and blog-readers; Daniel and Monika Malmquist to arrive.  We had made arrangements earlier in the week to go out for dinner together.  We ended up at a local bar/restaurant for a decent meal and good conversation.  Of course the girls chattered together in German while Dan and I got caught up.

Friends; Danny & Monika Malmquist.

Afterwards, we went back to the Elks Lodge and continued chatting in the downstairs bar.  It was good to catch up with them – see you again soon Danny and Monika!

Then I drove Stilla over to our youngest daughters’ house for the night.  She’s going to dog-sit for a couple days while they go out of town.  Meanwhile, I will play the bachelor until Friday, which really means; I can watch whatever I want on TV 🙂

Stay tuned…